Proudly introducing our freshly updated Logo
As we prepare to celebrate 19 years of operations and 10 years of hosting our annual gala in New York City, the FOCOS Board and leadership team have spent some time reflecting on the many experiences that have brought us to this point. The significant financial and in-kind resources we are able to raise to support our work over the years is definitely one reason to celebrate. An even more important reason is that thousands of donors who have passionately advocated for Dr. Boachie-Adjei and our patients have led to thousands of life-saving surgeries.
Our reflections on what captures the hearts and imagination of our supporters have also helped us realize that our donor community is most captivated by the roots of our organization – supporting Ghana, the West African region and the broader continent. We believe FOCOS is built to support patients from all over the world and our founder continues to lead outreach efforts across the continent and other areas of need. However, what will remain an ongoing priority is the “focos” on Africa.
Our 10th anniversary gala presents an opportunity to re-anchor our community to the original mission of our organization. We believe that we should not only provide our stakeholders with clarity of vision, but our global brand strengthens when we have a singular message and brand identity. That is why we have created an updated logo that best connects our past to our future.
Our new logo presents an opportunity to distill the visual elements that symbolize what we stand for. It also honors and memorializes where we came from as an organization and where our future lies. It reestablishes our common identity.
Changing our logo is a major endeavor that will include a comprehensive communications strategy. The full rollout process will likely happen over 6-9 months with much of the work and investments will be completed by 2018.
As always, we are extremely grateful that you have continued to join us on this exciting journey. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming gala.