Students from Austin College volunteer at FOCOS
A delegation of 13 students accompanied by two instructors from the Austin College, arrived at the FOCOS Orthopedic Hospital earlier this week on a volunteer mission.
The objective for their visit is to meet new people, acquire new skills, gain experience and teach the children on admission at the hospital basic reading and writing skills. The hospital has also made adequate preparations to ensure that, the students work and interact directly with staff of the various units they will be assigned to.
They were taken on a tour of the facility by the Patients Advocate team upon their arrival, during which they met and interacted with the CEO Prof. Oheneba Boachie-Adjei, Dr. Irene Wulff the Associate Medical Director and Mavis Kwateng, the Director of Nursing.
At FOCOS, we believe in giving back to society and that is the more reason why we appreciate the efforts of all the volunteers who travel far and near to make a difference in the lives of our patients. The 15-member team from Austin College is scheduled to leave Ghana on January 23.